Understanding USDA Reports
This course, hosted by Jeff Fichtelman, describes the 16 USDA reports, including important elements, what numbers to focus on, how the USDA collects the data, and the market-moving importance of each report.
This course, hosted by Jeff Fichtelman, describes the 16 USDA reports, including important elements, what numbers to focus on, how the USDA collects the data, and the market-moving importance of each report.
This course series, hosted by Tara Deines, details the importance of providing value throughout the year and strategic ways to engage within each farming season.
This course, hosted by Tara Deines, details vital information needed for effective customer management. Categories of information addressed in this course includes general information, production, farm basics, and marketing style.
Training sessions are provided on demand via email and uploaded to your private online workspace for viewing.
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